iRISE Media
Helping survivors of human trafficking heal from their past
Rhonelle Bruder is a survivor of human trafficking. She managed to escape from her trafficker and rebuild her life, but it took many years. Today, Bruder is a motivational speaker and anti-trafficking expert. In part one of Helping Survivors of Human Trafficking Heal from their Past.
Fighting the Spread of Child-Trafficking Conspiracies
Conspiracy theories involving child abduction and human trafficking have been spread by the QAnon movement, but anti-trafficking groups warn these theories do real harm to victims. What's motivating people to believe in these baseless conspiracy theories?
Pandemic means abused women more isolated but supports still available, advocates say
Mirlo Liendo, a youth counsellor in Toronto, lived with an abusive man for 18 years before leaving him eight years ago. Now, she uses what she has learned to help others. The pandemic has made it harder for abused women to access services but those services are still there, she says
Survivor of human trafficking launches no-cost branding removal program for victims of sex trade
Project iRISE is a survivor-led not-for-profit initiative launched by Rhonelle Bruder, survivor and anti-trafficking expert. The project provides innovative skills-based training, education and the removal of branding tattoos.